But anyway, time flies, and finally I am going for The-Next-Big-Trip (TNBT) in a few hours' time. There are a few reasons why this is a big trip. Firstly, its a rare opportunity that I can to travel with these three of my very very good friends who are very very busy people. Secondly, similar to TOML, it will be another semi-backpacking trip. But this time it is to a much less urbanized place. Despite some planning, there are still lotsa uncertainties, such as what buses to take to travel between cities, and where exactly are those places we are going. While Google Map helps, there is just so much it can provide us. We need a real paper map! And finally, this trip will be a little more physically demanding, and spiritual for me. For I believe, this is the type of trip where bonds are made or broken. Physically, I am not 100% well (still recovering from some nasty nasal illness).
Although there are many big reasons, I will like to think of this as a long-awaited relaxing trip. I will take things easy, handle them as they come. I will try to enjoy myself. I will try to make it fun for my dear friends. I will get many goodies back for my loved ones and friends.
What I will miss will be my dear wife and family. The next trip we'll have together will probably be our honeymoon! Ahhh, thinking about it gives me more butterflies than I can already handle now. :p
Wait a minute, did you see the fullpack and SBO at the side of my luggage? Well, I packed that as well. That's because the next day after I come back from the TNBT, is the beginning of my ICT. Hope I do get back on time. Don't wanna miss that. :p
Finally, so where exactly am I going and who am I going with? For those who are still in the dark, perhaps you'll find out in my next post tomorrow - that is if I manage to get an Internet connection over there to put together a post. So watch out here and I'll try to update with nice photos from the beautiful country.
Wish me good luck! An adventure awaits!