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Flag Days in Singapore.

I seem to be in the mood to write. This is my third entry for the day. =)

It is a common sight to see students selling flags on Saturdays. Almost every Saturday of is a Flag Day. Although it feels like every Saturday. If you understand the rationale of Flag Days, you'll agree that it is a very good idea.

I think that other than raising funds for the VWOs (Voluntary Welfare Organisation), it is also to spread the awareness of these organisations and their causes, and to involve students in some community work. I am sure almost everyone of this young generation has participated in at least one Flag Day during their secondary school days.

Regardless of much is raised, Flag Days help VWOs in some way. Other than funds from the government, most VWOs have to raise their own funds to run their facilities and programmes. It is no easy task to canvas for funds. Contrary to what many think, there are actually many VWOs out there which need our help, besides NKF, Cancer Foundation, etc, which canvas on tv. And Flag Days is a very straight forward and low cost way to do so.

However, I feel that what is really lacking is the part on spreading of awareness and students' understanding of doing community work. Often when I am approached by students to donate, I will ask them what organisation is the donation for or what the organisation does, and what will the money be used for. I am not trying to be critical on these students, but you'll be surprised that most of them do not even know about the organisation they are canvasing for.

This afternoon, I was approached by a student to donate. It was an organisation which I had not heard of, but I donated anyway. He was unable to tell me what the organisation is about, neither could he tell me where it was located.

I feel that it is important that students know the purpose of them selling flag. It is not just to get people to donate, but to help raise funds for VWOs to run free or subsidised programmes that help unfortunate people. It is important for them to know about the organisation and what the money is for, so that they will understand how meaningful their contribution is by selling flag. They will also be able to spread the awareness of these VWOs to the public. By getting more attention of the public, more help can be given to these less well-known VWOs. The public will also feel more assured of where their money will go to, and what it will be used for. Perhaps they'll donate more when they are aware. Besides, VWOs need more than money, they need volunteers too. WIth more awareness, more people may step forward to become volunteers at these VWOs. It is also a way to introduce students to the world of volunteering, to let them know that the world is more than just school and having fun.

So at the end of the day, I feel that it is more than just asking passerbys to donate some coins. And so much more for everyone to play their part! Next time when you ask for donations, or asked to donate, why not give more thoughts to what you are really doing?


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