Had been keeping myself occupied with worms lately during my commute. No... not earthworms, tapeworms lah... hah... but WORMS on iPod!

After getting used to the controls, I think this is one of the best version of WORMS I played so far. The controls and gameplay are similar to the Windows Mobile version of WORMS World Party. But with iPod Touch multi-touch, I can interact and zoom in/out with ease.

The fun part is personalising your own team and playing the challenge. In each round of challenge, you get to play against different number of teams and worms. The Warlords, Marines, Team iPwn...

And as you clear the challenges, new stages, speech (Area51, Jarhead, etc.) and gravestones will be unlocked. The teams also have different personalities such as strategic, vengeful, reckless and cocky. So far, I have cleared 28 challenges!

There is also a multi-player mode which I have yet to explore. But I think various human players still play on the same iPod. It'll be great if each human player can play on their own iPod via WIFI. You can also continue to listen to your music while playing with the SFX of the game. Today I played with Stan Getz at the background. That was kinda cool. Hah hah.
Below is the line up of my elite team, KCW1234! Each of my worms highly courageous and accurate!

What does the team name mean? Who are my group of worms? Well, I guess the answer is obvious. ;-p
There are a number of iPod Touch games I like, such as the classic game Bejeweled 2, the puzzle game Cooking Quest, Airport Mania, Candy Crusher, Penguin and Spore, I think WORMS is one of the best. It is so good that I would like to recommend it to everyone. :-)

Below is the line up of my elite team, KCW1234! Each of my worms highly courageous and accurate!

There are a number of iPod Touch games I like, such as the classic game Bejeweled 2, the puzzle game Cooking Quest, Airport Mania, Candy Crusher, Penguin and Spore, I think WORMS is one of the best. It is so good that I would like to recommend it to everyone. :-)