We finished the walk in slightly more than an hour, ahead of the anticipated four hours. Taking the Orange route (shortest route of all the MacRitchie Reservoir Trails), we were off to a flying start at 10 am! "Team Nepal" led the way, as "Team Singapore" struggled to keep up. Ha ha...

You may be wondering, well "Team Nepal" consisted of four folks who will be going for hiking in Nepal at the end of the year. And "Team Singapore" consisted of two less than fit dude, who ain't going for any strenuous exercise any time soon. You guessed it, one of them was me lorh... hee hee. We overtook many people at arrived at the start of the Treetop Walk in less than half an hour.
On the way up the hill, we saw this dad carrying her daughter on his back. Fatherly Love. Sweet!

A short introduction of the Treetop Walk: It is a 250-metre free-standing suspension bridge which connects Bukit Kallang and Bukit Pierce, the mature forest region of the MacRitchie nature reserve.

At the highest point, the bridge is 25-metre above the forest floor. It also rocks slightly with strong winds and "heavy hippos" on the walking on the bridge. :p

Group photo at the mid-point of the bridge...

This is the panorama view from the mid-point, click for the enlarged image.
Taking a peep through the holes of the bridge...

We were done with the highlight of the walk in less than ten minutes. The view wasn't "breathtaking". Nevertheless, I think it was still beautiful!
Delightful surprises of the forest awaited us, as we took our time with the remaining of the trails... Here are some of nature's "treasures" I picked up along the way with my camera...
Before we being, here's one of the many famous quotations which littered the trails. An advice from Van Gogh.

We joked about coming back one day to nail metal plates with our own quotations!
Look at the size of this ant! It was quite shy of the camera. Hee.

Close encounter with the squirrel...

Bee in flight!

Jax reminded me not to forget about the flora, after taking photos of the fauna. :p

This reminded me of an egg. Yellow in the middle, white on the outside.

Beautiful leaves!

These leaves crawl up the tree trunk.

What's the Story, Morning Glory?

Not too sure what happened to this leaf. Jax said it got chicken pox!

Remains of the Singapore Durian. Apparently, it isn't as fleshy (or flashy?) as its relative at the mouth of the Singapore River.

Dad walking with son, hand in hand! Fatherly Love. Sweet x 2! =)

As we made our way out, we met the MacRitchie resident primates... This one scratching her head. Curious how I know her gender? LoL.

They weren't a little bit shy at all. Perhaps we will be back soon to visit them, and to take the long routes. I am sure there are much more to see!

On the way up the hill, we saw this dad carrying her daughter on his back. Fatherly Love. Sweet!

Taking a peep through the holes of the bridge...

Delightful surprises of the forest awaited us, as we took our time with the remaining of the trails... Here are some of nature's "treasures" I picked up along the way with my camera...
Before we being, here's one of the many famous quotations which littered the trails. An advice from Van Gogh.

Look at the size of this ant! It was quite shy of the camera. Hee.
