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Greatness of My Organ.

Today I discovered the greatness of my organ. It is not too big, but it is certainly amazing. I think my female colleagues are afraid of its power. My good friend, a male colleague, also showed me his concern. ha ha.

The amazing organ is none another than my nose.

I started sneezing since I arrived in the office this morning. The loud and powerful sneezing went on and stopped during lunch time. It resumed after lunch and stopped again during tea break. Then it stopped when I left the office. I had sporadic fits of sneezing at Orchard later. In particular, inside Kinokunya, inside Isetan, and along a stretch of Wisma Atria. Then I made an observation - I started sneezing whenever the temperature dropped below a certain threshold level which I can no longer control. I felt like sneezing when I was in an air-con environment. However, I had to sneeze and when it was really cold.

Can you see how amazing it is? My nose, is the amazing Human Thermometer! Besides being able to whistle when I laugh, it is able to detect temperature change accurately. One of the bad thing is that the powerful and loud sneezing can be quite annoying. My colleague said that she was afraid I might pass the germs to her. But I assured her that I did not have flu, and it was just my over-sensitive nose. I think I will make some modification to the design, so that I can turn off the "Alarm system". Instead of sneezing loudly, I will activate the "Annoucement system" by sprouting, "The temperature is too low, the temperature is too low!" whenever the temperature drops beyond a certain level. Steady right?

Perhaps I will even apply for patent for my amazing nose. Then again, I may not want to wait so long or go through the tedious process of applying for a patent. Besides, I don't think I have the financial capability to file all the papers required. It'll be good if IPOS can recognise the ability of my amazing organ. At least it shows that there are lotsa unique talent in Singapore, no need to ask for more foreign talent to migrate to Singapore mah. Is your organ as great as mine, lets form a professional society for our amazing abilities leh. Three cheers for my amazing nose!


▐≤¡Γ≡ said…
Take care dude...

I do have sensitive nose too but mine are not as capable, as yours are able to detect changes in temperature. :P

Though aggressive sneezing is not the symptom of sinusitis, you might want to check out the other symptoms of it.
egeus said…
Woah. thanks for the info dude. hehe. Yah, I'll take care. =)

The whistling is very embarassing lor. sigh

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