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Seek The Truth. Or Is It?

I look forward to the opening of the movie "Da Vinci Code" tomorrow. Perhaps I'll catch it this weekend or next week when it'll be less crowded. But as many, like me, who are looking forward to the movie, there are also many who criticise and shun away from the movie. In fact, in India, the release of the movie had been put on hold.

Many feel that the movie offended their faith, we should respect that. But I think it is important to keep in mind that this is a movie adapted from a the book by Dan Brown, a work of fiction. We should probably watch the movie, or read the book, with the intention of getting entertained, rather than finding the truth.

The controversies are its selling point.

No doubt, the story itself is flawed. An article on HowStuffWorks analyses "How The Da Vinci Code Doesn't Work". My favourite flaws are that "the restrooms of the Louvre have liquid soap, just like most other public restrooms" and "according to a "Da Vinci Code" tour guide, the restrooms in that part of the Louvre do not have windows"!!! Smart move eh, too bad it could not have happened that way. Perhaps flushing it down the toilet bowl will be more realistic, maybe the sewage can wash the GPS dot along. heh heh.

I think at the end of the day, the Hollywood movie makers and Leonardo Da Vinci himself are the ones beaming. The former, smiling at the money rolling in, and the latter, basking in fame, enjoying the moment that his works are getting known by more people than ever, although it is almost 500 years since his death.

I'll be happy too if the movie is good, which is quite likely. Afterall, who can resist the French Renaissance art? Oh... by the way, it is also starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou *swoooooons*!!!


Sunshine said…
i watched the show on the opening day! company's free benefit...=p

been looking foward to it...after finishing the book...

the movie is not bad...but somehow i wouldn't say tt its fantastic...

perhaps like many book-adapted movies, impt details that built up the whole climax of the story are left out...

2 hours is just too short to bring out the story in full....a number of my friends who didn't read the book find it too chim....

still, its a movie worth watching! perhaps can share ur feelings after watching the show...=p
egeus said…
Yeah, i'll catch it if i have the time. =)

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