Twelve months ago, our baby boy came into this world. It was the beginning of our new journey.
The delivery suite was cold. I held the camera tightly, waiting for the moment. The gynecologist came in and told me to put it away. "No time for this." My job was to urge my wife to push hard. "One and two and three..." And then, came his first cry. "Where's my camera? Where's my camera?" I scrambled for it. First was the cutting of umbilical cord, then the body check, the weighing scale, and Bertrand was in Mummy's arms for the first time. Before I knew, it had begun - my journey as a father and Bertrand's dedicated photographer.
From the start, Bertrand is a natural when it comes to posing for the camera. He would look at the camera. The boy is cheerful. It was easy to capture him smiling. Not wanting to miss out any of it, I had the camera by my side, day and night. The first time he smiled, mumbled, laughed out loud, flipped over, crawled, sat up, stood, threw things, cruised around his cot, clapped his hands, waved his hands, blew bubble, grew a tooth, ate solid food, spat out his dinner, pulled out his socks, said "organ", shook his head to reject something, read a book, poo-ed in the potty, pointed at things, moved to the rhythm, exclaimed at the sight of little birds and guinea pigs, combed his hair... we were there! The moments were captured in our memories and through the lens of our camera.
Over seven thousand photographs later, our boy is almost one-year old. I have learned many lessons about my son and photography through this journey. It had been an extremely satisfying experience. And the journey will continue. This book is a collection of our favourite photographs. These images may not be extraordinary or brilliantly taken, but they are beautiful and filled with love. We hope that Bertrand will grow up to be a wonderful gentleman, and flip through these pages.
This photography collection is Mummy and Daddy's gift to Bertrand, the moments of intimacy, laughter, and kinship which belong to him.
Still in the wrappers!
The hardcover book in the sleek Apple box. The only problem was, it was sticky as well. I had trouble getting the book out.
The cover...
The sleeve...
The centerfold...
And the back cover...
The delivery suite was cold. I held the camera tightly, waiting for the moment. The gynecologist came in and told me to put it away. "No time for this." My job was to urge my wife to push hard. "One and two and three..." And then, came his first cry. "Where's my camera? Where's my camera?" I scrambled for it. First was the cutting of umbilical cord, then the body check, the weighing scale, and Bertrand was in Mummy's arms for the first time. Before I knew, it had begun - my journey as a father and Bertrand's dedicated photographer.
From the start, Bertrand is a natural when it comes to posing for the camera. He would look at the camera. The boy is cheerful. It was easy to capture him smiling. Not wanting to miss out any of it, I had the camera by my side, day and night. The first time he smiled, mumbled, laughed out loud, flipped over, crawled, sat up, stood, threw things, cruised around his cot, clapped his hands, waved his hands, blew bubble, grew a tooth, ate solid food, spat out his dinner, pulled out his socks, said "organ", shook his head to reject something, read a book, poo-ed in the potty, pointed at things, moved to the rhythm, exclaimed at the sight of little birds and guinea pigs, combed his hair... we were there! The moments were captured in our memories and through the lens of our camera.
Over seven thousand photographs later, our boy is almost one-year old. I have learned many lessons about my son and photography through this journey. It had been an extremely satisfying experience. And the journey will continue. This book is a collection of our favourite photographs. These images may not be extraordinary or brilliantly taken, but they are beautiful and filled with love. We hope that Bertrand will grow up to be a wonderful gentleman, and flip through these pages.
This photography collection is Mummy and Daddy's gift to Bertrand, the moments of intimacy, laughter, and kinship which belong to him.
Still in the wrappers!

But how did you get it published, did you do it yourself or through online company.