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WSC AA Launch.

We were fortunate that this time, my mother-in-law was willing to babysit for us, so that we could attend the launch of WSC Alumni Association launch. Yes, our dear son is blessed with grandmothers who dote him!

It had been more than five years since we graduated from NTU. That is more than five years since I did any meaningful volunteering work. I guess family and work take precedence.

The turnout was relatively small, considering WSC is the largest student organisation in NTU, other than the Student Union. The number of volunteers over the years should be in thousands. However, it was good to rekindle the bonds with a few friends.

The video which showcased the various regular volunteering programmes and subcommittees brought back many memories. It was like Welcome Tea all over again. For those who ain't familiar, Welcome Tea is an annual event where WSC volunteers introduce the club activities to the freshies. This is to let the prospective volunteers understand more before going for the respective interviews.

Back then, I was a passionate volunteer. I spent most of my non-academic time in the club's activity. Watching the video was like running through the activities I participated.

From my beginnings as a volunteer in RSP Elders to the Videography Head in the Media and Info subcommittee, from special projects like Glowing in the Dark and Camp Outreach to Media Head in Project Ignite, from group leader of the Freshman Orientation camp to founding of a regular volunteering programme for the underprivileged children.

I think the gem of the event for me was to link up with the current volunteers of RSP Friends of Children. It is heartening to know that they are doing well. They have grown from one centre, to four centres, spread across the island. They had put in hard work to keep it alive! Well done guys!

One of the aim of WSC AA is to network former volunteers, so that they may contribute back to the club again one day, with their vast experience in the society and networks of companies. Hopefully, I can do something for RSP FoC and the other projects too. The AA is just the first step. As we are so busy with our lives and work, I wonder when will be the next step?


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