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Melaka Getaway.

I think I forgot to mention that I went for a short trip over the weekend, last month, with my fellow batcavers. =p

We flew to KL LCC (lao-cok-cok... oops I mean low class carrier, errr.. I mean low cost carrier) Airport from the Changi Budget Terminal. It was faster, cheaper and more comfortable than traveling by coach. In fact, the bus journey from KL LCC Airport to KL central was longer than the flight!

The gang waiting for the free shuttle to the Budget Terminal. Another group had left the night before by train. Not for me. Ha ha...

It was my first time at the really "budget-looking" terminal. The most memorable thing was running to the plane on the tarmac!

Yup, with the blink of the eye, we were on Malaysian grounds.

In KL, we did some shopping at Mid-Valley Mall and stayed one night at the hostel.

We had the famous porridge for breakfast at Petaling Jaya (aka Chinatown), before traveling to Melaka by bus.

It was my third time to KL, so the highlight was the Melaka leg of the trip.

At the cross junction, we were looking for the famous chicken rice stall.

A touristy trishaw decorated with flowers and accompanied by techno music!

Look at the doors of this Chinese temple, nice hor?

At this Orang Utan House, we found an interesting poster...

Hmmmm... we all know Malaysia is famous for its rubber plantations... but not sure of the rubber products...

We managed to find the stall at the corner of Jonker Street, opposite San Shu Gong Shop.

Eagerly waiting for the chicken rice...

TADA! Presenting... chicken rice balls!

And the so-so chicken. Hee hee.

After lunch, we started our walk around the historical town... but it was disappointing.

The gang at Melaka River.

The famous red building... You must have seen it before too! Ha ha...

The local feline friend at the museum. =)

Like all trips, I didn't forget to enjoy the local flora... =)

And the most historical building I saw was the St Francis Church. Disappointing loh...

So it was back to Jonker Street where we spent most of our time in Melaka.

If you ain't aware, Jonker Street is a market street where you can find alot of food!

Nothing like a cup of cool drink on a hot day, ice white coffee...

And this, which I had been craving for since coming back (due to the equally warm Singapore weather), durian chendol!

In fact, it was so hot, I had chendol three times in two days at Melaka.

Chicken rice ball again for dinner! Yes, twice in a day. This is at a different stall lah...

Jonker Street at dusk...

And at night, the streets glowed in red lights...

We had plenty of booze at a local pub, The Geographer... no photos, was too busy enjoying myself. Ha ha... I think it was the most fun part of the trip!

The following day, I had Kuay Tiao Teng for breakfast...

After which we took at boat ride on the Malacca River and visited the Maritime Museum. In the afternoon we visited the Nyonya Museum and tasted some Peranakan snacks. Actually you can find them in Singapore as well.

The museum is the family house of a rich Peranakan businessman. Not sure if they used it to film the Little Nyonya drama serials...

Our craving for more Peranakan food brought us to the authentic Peranakan restaurant along Jonker Street.

As you can see, we cleaned up the plates! Yum yum!

That rounds up the short KL-Melaka trip. Nothing exciting lah, but it was my first trip with the batcavers (excluding TNBT). I am looking forward to the next one! Perhaps, we can go to Taman Negara which I had previously tried to organise, a couple of years ago.


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