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Fallen for Good.

It had been quite a while since I wrote a movie review. So either this is a really good movie or it is a disastrous one. Unfortunately, this time I have to agree with some of the movie critics for giving it one out of five stars rating. In fact, maybe it should deserve half a star, but we must give some credits for the guys behind the special effects.

Transformer: The Revenge of the Fallen, is a new low for Mr Michael Bay. I suspect he may be the next fallen one. Personally, I think what makes the movie so bad is that there are way too much of the following elements:

1. Rotating camera angle around the subject - The technique, where by the camera rotates around the subject in the centre, was used for at least for three scenes. And it often rotated too fast. Right from the beginning of the show, I started to feel dizzy.

2. Complicated Transformation - It felt like eternity whenever Optimus Prime transforms. Does it have to be that complicated?

3. Helicopters - They flew the friendly skies throughout the show. From Shanghai, to Egypt, they hoovered over the fallen, as the camera looked down from the bird's eye view. It made the scenes really cheesy. Someone's not putting in enough creative juice!

4. Use of Pyrotechnics - Every other minute, there was some explosion going on somewhere. Kaboom here, kaboom there. There were blazing buildings everywhere too. While it is okay that the good guys were loaded with ammunition, the problem comes with you put too much explosive with the next point...

5. "The Hero Never Dies" - As the protagonist of the movie ran across the battle field, every step was met by some explosion. Imagine doing a five hundred metres dash with bombs dropping all over the place. While the guy get thrown around by the impacts a few times, he was able to survive. And when the hero finally did meet his end, they brilliantly mixed robots and supernatural near death encounters. That is too dramatic for a sci-fi movie.

6. "One Good Guy Defeats Many Bad Guys" - You will be forgiven if you had imagined Prime is the incarnation of Bruce Lee, or the protagonist of a Bollywood movie, for the matter of fact. Prime was able to single handedly turn the villains into tin trash. And of course, he did so in kungfu style - using blades instead of bullets.

Btw, the movie seemed to portray that the States have the ability to mount an assault any where on Earth, any time. Some how the Airforce and Armour were always in the neighbourhood, providing endless air strikes and fire cover whenever needed.

On a side note, the upcoming GI Joe and Harry Potter movie looks promising!

Verdict: One outta five stars (great special effects!)


Stephen Lee said…
Ah u got to relax and enjoy, think this film is suppose to appeal to people who just like big effects, cool transformations and big fights.

Its like WWE/WWF don't need much thinking.
egeus said…
That's one way to look at it. But its hard to relax when you are dizzy and bored. Ha...

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