The jet lag finally hit me this afternoon. The minute they showed the codes on the projection, I started to knock off. But all in all, I am starting to warm up (after an hour of lunch on the grass under the California sun - American style) for the conference. Hopefully I will absorb more tomorrow when the technical sessions start. -shudder- More codes!!!
The delivery of dowry ( 送嫁妆 ) is another important custom. It represents parent's effort for her daughter to have a good life after marriage and prepare her with the necessities for being a good wife. I am amazed by some of the things included in the dowry. Of course, in our modern living, we will not be using some of those things... Nevertheless, I think it is all good to have them, as each item carries a good meaning for our blissful marriage. :-)
I wouldn't even think of going outside even in broad daylight back then.
The jet lag will pass, sooner than you thought. Enjoy the sessions. :)