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The Day I Had Six Hours To Spare.

Yeah!!!* (do a Stresemann imitation) ... Finally killed off the exam! It was the last nail on the board, keeping me from enjoying my break since end of hell-month. Of course there is still the ICT (aka Reservist for those not in tune with military term), but it'll end tomorrow anyway! Double Horray!

After the morning paper I had lunch at Lau Pa Sa with my dear and Theresa. The last we had lunch together was the end of one paper last semester. Time flies.

Since it was a good six hours before my dinner appointment, I had chance to go Christmas shopping and get a feel of 'oh-so-free-nothing-to-do'. I started out with some meaningful activities like reading the newspaper throughly at the Esplanade library, and finishing a book. Then I made the mistake of leaving the library...

Everything seemed so 'you-must-buy-me-for-someone'. Perhaps it was the Christmas bug - the spirit of giving. I discovered some fantastic shops at Raffles City Shopping Mall basement. There were many 'I-m-so-beautiful-you-gotta-get-me-for-your-friends' Christmas cards. After doing a quick calculation on the number of cards I needed to get multiply by the unit price, the logical side of me stopped myself from burning a hole in my pocket.

I went on to search for other time-wasters or activities I usually wouldn't do. And I'm proud to say I joined the Donut Factory queue! Bought six donuts. Unfortunately it wasn't much of a queue. It may appear strange for someone to be disappointed at short queues, but when you have so much time on hand...

On the way back to Raffles Place, I had to check out the banners with red logos on the outside of the former Supreme Court and City Hall buildings. It was actually the Singapore Design Festival 2007 Exhibition! If only I had discovered it earlier. Delivering the donuts to my dear was my priority, so I had to leave it till next time. Along the way, I saw some youngsters in shirt and pants having a game of captain ball outside the Asian Civilization Museum. Doesn't look like orientation or cell-group outing leh... So Singapore is truly becoming a vibrant city?

After my special delivery, it was dinner at Su Korean Restaurant at Boat Quay. Being a sua-ku, I was quite impressed with the silver chopsticks. Nice leh... test for poison eh?

My kind friends Yogi and Kife spared me the embarrassment and told me that this was common at all authentic Korean restaurants.

We ordered the set meal for two which was more than enough for three of us. The meal came with the starter dishes which were free flow (but they weren't exactly appetizing.. maybe it was just me?).

Radish, potatoes, ikan bilis, vegetables, tau-gay, lotus root, etc. Drinks were free flow if you order Korean Tea. I would like to find out what exactly is "Korean Tea", it tasted better than green tea.

The meal also came with BBQ chicken, and beef,

Ginseng Chicken Soup aka Korean-Style Herbal Chicken,

And the Bi Bim Bap (Assorted Rice Stone Cattle) aka Korean-Style Claypot Rice!

Overall the food was delicious, especially the Ginseng Chicken Soup and BBQ Beef - must try! However the price was a lil' steep (around S$74 or $24/person). Still I think it is worthed the experience. Besides, the ambience was not bad and service was excellent too. One interesting thing I noticed about the deco were these Tau-Pok-lookalike thingy hanging on the wall... craving for Yong Tau Hu now...


▐≤¡Γ≡ said…
I kind of miss ICT... the Zzz one can get is amazing! :P

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