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Showing posts from April, 2007

One-Liner for Four Marks.

Yesh, the last paper for this semester is over! But I am feeling uneasy about it. I finished the paper an hour before time while many others were furiously writing and even asked for more answer booklets. The thing is all the answers can be found in the three pieces of handwritten notes which I had burnt, boiled with two cups of water and drank. That's supposed to be good news? But how do you explain the mark allocation of 4 marks for the one-liner answers I gave and two points for 8 marks, 3 points for 12 marks? That's the worrying part. I can't really bull since I can only regurgitate what I drank.. erm memorized. And guess what, I spotted the invigilator, a co-lecturer frowning and shaking his head as he read the questions. Please tell me its perfectly okay to give short answers and thats just the American-style of exams, no one-point-one -mark nonsense!


My Personal Dna Report I think there's probably some truth to this report. It's no surprise to me as my girlfriend once commented that I behave like a director, wanting things my way. lol. Btw, got the link to this report from here . Hmmm... I really shouldn't be doing such quizzes and tests... oughta be mugging right now....

Giving A Speech.

Some people say that when you have a significant other, he or she is all that you need, and you will neglect your friends. For me, its not true. I still need my friends. As I headed home, most of my friends were still busy at work. I should be home early for I needed to mug for Monday's paper. But I felt kinda down, not being able to hang out with them since exams started. Anyway coming Monday I will be celebrating birthday with some friends. I wanna say how grateful and happy I am to have them celebrating with me, but I think its stupid to " give a speech " then. So I will say it in advance here (perhaps not very sensible thing to do either?). In fact I ain't quite sure who will be going. Oh duh . However, I know among them will be my dearests. My darling, my best friend, my good friends over the years, friends who I slowly get to know better and are more than just colleagues to me. I am thankful to have you. You let me feel so loved, so important. You gave me confid...

Useless Facts.

#41. The Three Wise Monkeys have names: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil). #55. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan. There was never a recorded Wendy before it. #64. IBM’s motto is “Think”. Apple later made their motto “Think different”. #163. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. #203. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than every Nike factory worker in Malaysia combined. #259. The bestselling books of all time are The Bible (6billion+), Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-tung (900million+), and The Lord of the Rings (100million+) And many more useless facts here ... remember a few, maybe they are useful for you to impress your date? =p

What's Your EQ?

Your EQ is 167 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?

You Lao Uncle.

Just now, I heard my neighbour's daughter and her cousin shouting at each other in the lift. They are about seven or eight. Innocent little girls going for a game of badminton, till I heard what they shouted. " You bitch! You idiot! You stupid! You no manners! You lao uncle! " Apparently they were trying to think of words to shout at each other. Makes me wonder where they learned all that. School? Home? I was certainly appalled by their mastery of those nasty words, especially the B-word. I suspect she might have overheard her parents referring to us with those words. Perhaps over the potted plants incident. It is amazing how much their small minds can absorb. Be careful what you say in front of children!

PortableApps for Your Thumb Thumb.

My girlfriend will be going to Sweden for training soon and she wanted to copy her animes and drama over to watch. There's just one problem, she's not the administrator of her machine, so she has no rights to install any software or codecs. I guess that's a common practice of MNCs where only the IT department holds the administrator password. I decided to look for a video player software which does not need to be installed and can be run off a USB drive. Something like what Firefox and Miranda can do. Anyway I found this nice app that do just that and more. PortableApps is like a manager for the portable applications on your USB drive. It is free. There are three versions : Standard Edition - Comes with most open-source applications such as ClamWin, Firefox, Openoffice, etc. and runs on 512MB drive. Lite Edition - Comes with less applications, runs on 256MB drive. Base Edition - Stripped down package with just the menu, backup utility and custom folders, icons and aut...

No Place Like

I don't mind getting some of these doormats for my house-warming next time...

Ride for Brownies.

Finally, a loyalty programme that rewards the commuters for taking public transport - SBS Transit Ride n Redeem programme . An answer to SMRT-Citibank reward programme ? But before you sign up, let me share with you what I think you should be considering... May it be by train or bus, the moment you take the public transport, your movement CAN BE tracked. You will no longer be just another figure in the statistics. There will a database of your personal particulars and your daily travel records. What does that imply? Perhaps they will not sell your records at 50-cent per entry to some marketing firm. But they CAN study your travel patterns and provide some useful information aka advertisements to you, based on that. Of course, this will be very useful for national security, big brother can watch you more clearly. Having said that, I am not saying SBS Transit will be doing all that. Neither am I saying you should not register to get a FREE BROWNIE after TWO WEEKS ONLY. Oh boy, spend...

Songs of the Sea.

Siloso Beach unveiled the $30M pyrotechnics and psychedelic lasers show on 26 Mar 2007. Songs of the Sea is the latest Sentosa tourist attraction which I wanna catch. I had a very similar idea last year inspired from a documentary about another great musical on the waters in China... The idea : Singapore's very own musical on water, The Singapore Story on the River! Venue : Singapore River. When : Weekly evenings. The content : A musical on the water that tells the story the founding of Singapore to modern day Singapore, aka what you see at NDP every year. It will be about the culture of Singapore. Performers will be on bumboats, sampans. It will feature traditional ethnic songs to modern day local bands. Benefit: A real big attraction for tourists to Singapore (at least better than some gigantic big wheel...) and job opportunities for many people (from the cast, to boatmen, to the engineers). The inspiration : 印象刘三姐 >> Impression Sanjie Liu , a musical in China with the bea...

Nerd Score: Says It All.

My Favourite Posts.

After almost twenty-seven months of blogging, 10078 hits (mostly from myself lah ) and almost 300 entries, I think it is a good time to come up with a list of my favourite posts, in the music recording world, it'll be known as " The Greatest Hits #1 ", there'll always be a " The Greatest Hits #2 " mah ... Yes, another list and it is always fun to come up with lists! Well, it will also be a sorta summary of " interesting posts " to read for those dropping by the first time! And... it is the time of the year again... exams. Time of the year when I will do some pointless activities - de javu , the reason why I started blogging! 1. Entry #1 Why? >>> An introduction. The whys and whats of this blog. Must read. 2. Common Sense Why? >>> It is simply amazing what you get to see when you stay in the hostel! 3. Me: Cruel, unkind, spiteful, or malicious, Selfish in a petty way Why? >>> This one has something about my "neme...

Leaps and Bounces.

My EZ-Link card was on negative value last Friday. Took cab to site several times last week, so did not expect the value to run out that fast. Anyway, I asked the bus driver for the fare to interchange and he said, " 学生五毛半 。 (Student fare is fifty cents.)" Eh! I looked like a student to him loh ! Wahahaha. Don't envy my youthful looks! But I was honest, so I asked him, " 成人多少 ? (What's the adult fare?)" He replied, " 九毛半 。(Ninety cents.)" Ah! The difference! Still remember the days of 25-cent feeder bus ride just ten plus years ago. Look at how much our transport system has evolved... by leaps and bounces !