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Angry Engineer.

I had not been blogging lately. I try to use the little bit if energy, left from work, for my little darling. And still, I often neglect my duties as his personal photographer - I failed to upload his photos to FB on time. :p

Anyway, I have been enjoying quality times with my big and small darlings. There were plenty of wonderful events in the past two months - my sister got married, my friend had his house warming, etc. And my boy has reached a few milestones as well - he started eating solid food (brown rice and broccoli) , he took the MRT for the first time, he went shopping with us at Orchard Road, he sat on the stroller for half an hour, etc. All these can take up several entries. :-)

But of course, right now everyone is geared up for the GE fever. I prefer to keep my sanity in check and focus on my "little" issues. That doesn't mean I don't care. I am still listening, reading, keeping my thoughts to myself, waiting to make my choice next weekend. I am sure my choice is a more informed one, compared to the last two GE I voted.

Btw, I drew this while waiting for "complaint session", oops I mean staff conference, to start. The Angry Engineer - inspired by RIO's smugglers' den and jungle escape.


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