We were fortunate that this time, my mother-in-law was willing to babysit for us, so that we could attend the launch of WSC Alumni Association launch. Yes, our dear son is blessed with grandmothers who dote him! It had been more than five years since we graduated from NTU. That is more than five years since I did any meaningful volunteering work . I guess family and work take precedence. The turnout was relatively small, considering WSC is the largest student organisation in NTU, other than the Student Union. The number of volunteers over the years should be in thousands. However, it was good to rekindle the bonds with a few friends. The video which showcased the various regular volunteering programmes and subcommittees brought back many memories. It was like Welcome Tea all over again. For those who ain't familiar, Welcome Tea is an annual event where WSC volunteers introduce the club activities to the freshies. This is to let the prospective volunteers understand more before goin...
_Mo.feelings. _Mo.life. _Mo.blog.