Another weekend gone, as my struggle continued. This time, to finish the final few laps of this long race - the presentation slides. From the moment I woke up till 4pm, I had been doing the slides continuously, skipping breakfast and lunch. Hoping to finish earlier so that I can give enough time for the rest to consolidate the slides, as well as earning my rest after that.
Little did I expect to get 'an arrow' from my team mate for me to consolidate the slides. I thought I earned my rest, I did my part? And I don't understand how he can arrow me to do slides when he himself is unable to make it for meeting tomorrow. So you do less by making others do more? I don't really fault him, I think there are some who can indeed do more to help. After all, there is at least one who contributed very lil' for the report - we had to do his part. I think it is fair that they step up and do their part now. Ever heard of team work?
I understand what it means to be a team player. That's why I volunteered to compile the main report last week, knowing that they are busy with the other modules. However, that doesn't mean I should be volunteered to do the slides as well right? Having more modules and projects, means having to manage your time better. However, it doesn't mean using it as an excuse to shrug off your responsibilities. It is sad that gesture of good faith is taken as sign that I can be taken advantage of.
On a side note, after watching a few documentaries about lions (while working very hard), I think that lions must be some of the most fortunate animals in the world. While the responsibilities of protecting the pride belong to them, the lionesses hunt for food and look after the young. Lions spend typically 20 hours a day on wiggly slump. And when they mate, they do so on an average every 25 minutes, day and night, without feeding for three or four days. When dinner is served, lions eat first, follow by lionesses and cubs. But the lousy thing about being lions is that each Maasai young man is supposed to kill a lion before they are circumcised. Not very good reasons to get killed indeed. Otherwise, lions are really the King of all beasts.
Update [7 Apr 08]: Worked till 1am++ to finish consolidating the slides and creating a template for the formatting. Today, the team came together and finished it off. Great satisfaction from teamwork! Feels high when everyone (well 'cept one) worked together ahead of time.
Little did I expect to get 'an arrow' from my team mate for me to consolidate the slides. I thought I earned my rest, I did my part? And I don't understand how he can arrow me to do slides when he himself is unable to make it for meeting tomorrow. So you do less by making others do more? I don't really fault him, I think there are some who can indeed do more to help. After all, there is at least one who contributed very lil' for the report - we had to do his part. I think it is fair that they step up and do their part now. Ever heard of team work?
I understand what it means to be a team player. That's why I volunteered to compile the main report last week, knowing that they are busy with the other modules. However, that doesn't mean I should be volunteered to do the slides as well right? Having more modules and projects, means having to manage your time better. However, it doesn't mean using it as an excuse to shrug off your responsibilities. It is sad that gesture of good faith is taken as sign that I can be taken advantage of.
On a side note, after watching a few documentaries about lions (while working very hard), I think that lions must be some of the most fortunate animals in the world. While the responsibilities of protecting the pride belong to them, the lionesses hunt for food and look after the young. Lions spend typically 20 hours a day on wiggly slump. And when they mate, they do so on an average every 25 minutes, day and night, without feeding for three or four days. When dinner is served, lions eat first, follow by lionesses and cubs. But the lousy thing about being lions is that each Maasai young man is supposed to kill a lion before they are circumcised. Not very good reasons to get killed indeed. Otherwise, lions are really the King of all beasts.
Update [7 Apr 08]: Worked till 1am++ to finish consolidating the slides and creating a template for the formatting. Today, the team came together and finished it off. Great satisfaction from teamwork! Feels high when everyone (well 'cept one) worked together ahead of time.