One week into the starting of this blog, I am gonna complain about school for the second time. =B I was feeling suffocated just now. My chest was tight. Tummy ached. After sharing my feelings with my girl, I realised that I was indeed stressed. Sunday is coming to an end, more importantly, the mid-term break is coming to an end, and I have not finished the things I set out to do. Although this semester seems to be the slackiest of all sems, just 3 prescribed and 1 core, the work seems endless. one sw testing lab report every fortnight, each require at least 5-6 hours of effort to compile. And then there's robotics lab report due soon, i never even used matlab before. ha ha. Never was I so hardworking, stay in the library till it closes for almost 4 days per week. But that's still not enough. I am still behind in revision for every subject. Then there is also FYP, despite spending all my time after lesson in lab, I still can't finish it yet. Report is due 2 weeks. How? And t...