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Showing posts from 2014

Hurtful Pride.

It hurt when someone commented I should let the mother handle the crying baby.  Being proud that I am a hands-on Dad and make good logical decision most of the time, that hurt my pride. Why would I not handle my children as well or even better? If the father is always there for the children, the bond with his children is never less than that of the mother's. Of course, there is no shame in letting the mother share the burden. But it is hurtful to say I can't do it.

The Last 24 Hours, Twenty-Thirteen.

If you were wondering... Yes I did it for the fifth time on the eve of New Year. Just two of us, made the journey from Marina Bay Financial Centre to Kampung Glam, via the newest Downtown line. You can see my photos here . Still looking for people to join us end of this year. :)

Resolutions 2014.

In "Resolutions 2013", I mentioned I posted thrice in 2012. Well, in 2013, I posted once - progress! Can shut down this blog lah ... hahaha ... Nevertheless, I think I should review the year and set my resolutions, although it is already half a month into January. Why? Well, lists are very useful for remembering things, especially for old people like me. Although there were few posts, twenty-thirteen was not short of ups and downs. Not in any particular order or preference... The downs : car accident, one pathetic blog entry and... The ups : became a father again (arrival of my darling Nathaniel  - gift of God), visited Göteborg , Stockholm and Paris again, spent lotsa fantastic time with my family, pushed for Scrum, clocked one more in-camp training and got to know some fun people along the way! That's a short list... You see, I can't really remember what happened and a check on my Facebook time-line revealed mostly happy occasions and photos of my sons. ...