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Showing posts from March, 2010

Almost the End of Pox Ordeal.

What's happening to the world out there? It has been more than a week since I was down with pox. I had been confined at home. The only people I have met are my family and a very nice friend who was so kind to bring me my office laptop. It had been horrible experience. Mainly, it is because I have lost one of the pleasure in life - eating whatever I want. Yes, this has been my typical lunch and dinner every day, minced pork and green vegetables. I am on a strict diet. No chicken, eggs, nuts, potatoes, seafood, fish... Well just about everything other than pork and vegetables. Some said I will slim down. Let's just wait and see, when I get back. The ordeal will soon come to an end. Thanks for all your encouragement. The worst was long over. Day 3 was the fateful day when I suffered the unbearable itch and fever, with neighbours playing overnight mahjong. I had been feeling better since. I was able to resume my chores like mopping the floor and washing the toilet. I was also able ...

The Chicken Pox Ordeal.

Some people say that it is an ordeal for adults to suffer from chicken pox. Well, I'm experiencing it first hand. So it will be two weeks of relaxing holiday to enjoy myself? Not! It is only Day 2 and I dread the days to come. It started out with just a few tiny red spots. The medication every three hours kept the number of blisters to the minimum. I didn't dare to scratch as I am not sure if I will accidentally burst any blisters. Crazy fevers and headaches came and went. One moment I was okay, the next I was dizzy and weak. During the hours which I broke the medication cycle, my fever shot up to 38.9 degree Celsius. I couldn't sleep at all, especially with inconsiderate neighbours blasting "Hotel California" and "Eye of the Tiger" repeatedly at 2am. Great taste of music... but WTH... 2am?! This morning, there was a major outbreak. I have since lost count of my blisters. Red patches known as "rose petals" had appeared on my face. What a ...

Wooden Butterflies and Egyptian Afterlife.

If you are an old reader of my blog, you may find this photo familiar . Once again, we visited the Singapore Art Museum during the New Year (week). :p That was back in January. There were several good exhibitions on works of Filipino artists. I was particularly fond of some paintings,Carlos Francisco's "Sinigang", Félix Resurrección Hidalgo's "La Banca", and Melvin Culaba's "Hanapbuhay". At the second floor of the museum, there was an interesting static display, titled "MANG EMO + MAG-HIMO GRAND PIANO PROJECT". There were these wooden butterflies scattered over the area. Couldn't resist but to take a couple of photos. One of them blended nicely with the floor... And this, sat at the corner of the wall, in shade and in light. We also visited another museum in January, the National Museum of Singapore. Yeeaah ... Visit-the-Museum-Month (?). ;-p The reason for the visit is none other than the " Quest for Immortality - The Ancie...

Foodie for Thought Again!

It was nice having dinner with my wife outside again. A break from the routine dinner at home or at parents' place... Don't get me wrong, it is wonderful to enjoy family time, but variety makes life more interesting. =) Oh yah, no need to wash the dishes tonight! We were at Food For Thought , along North Bridge Road, this evening. It was my wife's first (tho' her office is just opposite it!) and the second time for me. They are revamping their website (said to re-open on 29 Jan 10 but yet to happen...). The restaurant itself has changed little - still a little too cramp. There are now proper menu sheets on the tables. Previously, you can only find the name of dishes scribbled on the black boards (refer to the photos in my old post). Other than that, now there are also these nice little cards with drawings of baa-baa... So here I am back to try the other dishes with my wife! Good things must share mah ... She was really excited when the food arrived! As promised the foo...