What's happening to the world out there? It has been more than a week since I was down with pox. I had been confined at home. The only people I have met are my family and a very nice friend who was so kind to bring me my office laptop. It had been horrible experience. Mainly, it is because I have lost one of the pleasure in life - eating whatever I want. Yes, this has been my typical lunch and dinner every day, minced pork and green vegetables. I am on a strict diet. No chicken, eggs, nuts, potatoes, seafood, fish... Well just about everything other than pork and vegetables. Some said I will slim down. Let's just wait and see, when I get back. The ordeal will soon come to an end. Thanks for all your encouragement. The worst was long over. Day 3 was the fateful day when I suffered the unbearable itch and fever, with neighbours playing overnight mahjong. I had been feeling better since. I was able to resume my chores like mopping the floor and washing the toilet. I was also able ...
_Mo.feelings. _Mo.life. _Mo.blog.