Last Wednesday I sat, stood, sat, stood, and sat again. At one point, my girlfriend was sandwiched by two pregnant ladies. For the record, I gave up seats to three pregnant ladies on the trains in two days, and two of them within the same ride! That explains why my girlfriend was sandwiched by two. And their smiles actually made my day. In fact, one of the ladies actually called out to me and thanked me when we alighted at Jurong East. She did not take things for granted, and showed her appreciation. That touched my heart. Some people may be hesitate as they are afraid that it'll be embarassing if the lady is not pregnant, just overweight. While some fail to let the lady know that the seat is for her, and someone else take up the seat. I have met those situations before. I think as a rule of thumb, no matter she has just boarded or has been standing there for a long time, as long as it is within five seconds from the time you see her, you can give up your seat and approach her dire...