The discussion on, Cross Fire 针锋相对, a forum-styled programme on Ch U, this Monday, was about whether a degree is necessary for one to be successful in Singapore (eh... or something along that line... lol). Two of the guests are successful businessmen, while the other two are graduates, one of them is the Superstar contestant, Shi Xin Hui. Anyway, I managed to follow their opinions although I did not quite get the topic for that episode. One of the businessmen, Mr Eddie, commented that graduates and interns in their companies do things step by step, according to instructions. And the interns (doing their PA) are usually quite slow. He added that most of them are usually incapable of producing extraordinary results, which is quite important in the field of marketing. According to him, degree merely shows that you have the IQ, but only people with high EQ have the real talent. In short, to be successful in Singapore, a degree is not a necessity. I do agree with him that most graduates, es...