Blink of the eye, it is Christmas again. And its X'mas-presents-show-and-tell-time! Remember the present for myself which I mentioned in the Souvenirs Galore entry? Well, I am gonna reveal what it is!
It is a RF 2009 Calendar from the RF Shop. It contains beautiful images from the 2008 season and Roger's childhood moments. My favourite is August's photograph - Roger's facial features still look almost the same right? :p Hope there'll be more moments like October's next year!
The calendar has all the tournament dates marked out. At the back, there is RF's autograph. And getting this calendar is also for a good cause - part of the Christmas spirit. =)
Initially I wanted to get this for the #1 RF fan, KC-XTT. But I got something even better for her... vrrrrroooomm.... heh, so I get to keep the RF calendar for myself! I have already hang it on my cubicle in office.
There are also plenty of presents from my friends. Just showing three of them here...
The beautiful tall tin can of cookies is from my "Secret Santa" in office gift exchange. I'm curious to find out who you are! Can drop me a comment if you are reading this?
The bottle of Burberry London is from my wife! Thanks dear, you always know what to get me and when I need it.
And finally, TWG Tea's Alfonso cotton teabags from KC-XTT. Great stuff! Thank you my dear friend! I will try to learn more from you about appreciating good tea. Well, being part of the office tea club is a good start right? More Turkish Tea for everyone on Monday! =)
Noticed the colour theme for this year's presents seem to be brown? Ha...
I also got other nice and cute presents from Sunshine-HY, Georgia, Stitchy-Sop and Jax. Thanks alot guys!
While Christmas is a good time to shower friends with presents, I guess the meaning of Christmas is much deeper than our material needs... Have a safe and peaceful holiday. Merry Christmas my dear friends!
There are also plenty of presents from my friends. Just showing three of them here...
The bottle of Burberry London is from my wife! Thanks dear, you always know what to get me and when I need it.
And finally, TWG Tea's Alfonso cotton teabags from KC-XTT. Great stuff! Thank you my dear friend! I will try to learn more from you about appreciating good tea. Well, being part of the office tea club is a good start right? More Turkish Tea for everyone on Monday! =)
Noticed the colour theme for this year's presents seem to be brown? Ha...
I also got other nice and cute presents from Sunshine-HY, Georgia, Stitchy-Sop and Jax. Thanks alot guys!
While Christmas is a good time to shower friends with presents, I guess the meaning of Christmas is much deeper than our material needs... Have a safe and peaceful holiday. Merry Christmas my dear friends!